Yoga gives relief from back pain

You have to face the problem of back pain by sitting in front of the computer in the office all day long. In such a situation, taking painkillers can be dangerous. That’s why you can get rid of back pain with yoga.
Back pain is a common thing in today’s busy life. You have to face the problem of back pain by sitting in front of the computer in the office all day long. In such a situation, taking painkillers can be dangerous. Therefore you can get rid of back pain through yoga, let’s learn yoga asanas for back pain.
First, joining both legs, sit straight in front of you. Put the hands on the ground by the side. And now bend the left leg and keep the heel near the right buttock or you can also sit in Vajrasana. Bend the right leg and place it on the left leg in such a way that both knees touch each other. Raise the right hand up and fold it towards the back and take the left hand from behind the back and hold the right hand. Keep neck and waist straight. After doing it on one side, do the same on the other side as well.
Lie on your back keeping your arms close to your body. Bend the knees and place the feet on the floor near the buttocks. Raise the arms above the head and place the palms on the floor next to both shoulders. The fingers will be towards the body and the elbows will be upwards. Raise the entire body such that only the hands and feet are on the floor. Then try to bring your hands near your feet. Look at the floor. Remain in this position with normal breathing and then return to the starting position.
If you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you can enroll in the Yogpeeth Rishikesh.
Lie on your back on a rug or blanket, bend your knees and keep your feet apart. The knee of one leg should touch the heel of the other leg. Keep in mind that the hands should be in line with the shoulders and the palm should be on the ground. Stop the breath by filling it inside the stomach and pressing it below the navel. Keep the right knee in line with the heel of the left foot and the chin in line with the shoulder. Exhale and come back.
Standing straight, keep a distance of 10 to 12 inches between the feet. While doing Tadasana, spread both hands in front and keep the direction of the palms towards the ground. Keeping the body straight, slowly bend down and make a position like sitting on a chair. This asana can also be done by keeping both hands on the waist. And starting from 15 seconds can be done up to three minutes.
First, lie down on your stomach then bend your knees. Hold the ankles with both your hands and raise the head and chest, while exhaling leave the posture. Do this asana five to six times.
Back pain can be very easily relieved with the help of these yoga poses. But before doing these yoga asanas, do consult an expert.