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What swimming of lifeguard class can do for you (physically and mentally)

Dive into the water and disconnect from the earthly world that surrounds us for a few moments. When swimming with Lifeguard class, diving or simply floating, we forget for a few moments about our daily worries and obligations and at the same time we put our whole body into motion, which is why it is one of the most complete sports that exist. We tell you about the benefits that water brings to our physical and mental well-being:

Why happens?

Why is it that when the good weather arrives and we have more hours of sunshine per day, when we are supposed to be flooded with happiness and have more desire to do things for the Lifeguard class, do we precisely feel lacking in energy? This phenomenon, which affects more than half of the population , occurs with the change of season and is basically due to the coincidence of various environmental factors such as rising temperatures and atmospheric pressure, increased hours of light per day, the change in schedule and, consequently, the change in routine derived from the previous factors (hours of sleep, meals, more leisure, etc.).

Benefits of swimming in our body

We exercise without straining our joints

In the water our body is lighter, it seems that we weigh less, and thanks to this buoyancy there is not so much joint load and our joints and bones wear out less and are better preserved, thus minimizing the risk of injury and being a sport suitable for everyone. kind of people.

Improves circulation

Swimming of the lifeguard class favors blood circulation and its drainage, since, when we swim, our entire body receives a light ‘massage’ through the pressure and movement of the water that activates the blood. For this reason, it is an ideal exercise for people who suffer from tired legs , among others.

Dive into the water and disconnect from the earthly world that surrounds us for a few moments. When swimming, diving or simply floating, we forget for a few moments about our daily worries and obligations and at the same time we put our whole body into motion, which is why it is one of the most complete sports that exist. We tell you about the benefits that water brings to our physical and mental well-being:

Increases our lung capacity

Swimming also has clear benefits on our respiratory system. By swimming, with each stroke, we increase our lung capacity and help our lungs cleanse themselves, bringing more blood into the bloodstream.

Increases flexibility and elasticity

When we swim we use most of the muscle groups of our body: the upper body, the lower body, the trunk, the head… Thus, we benefit the body in a global way, gaining flexibility and elasticity everywhere.

Benefits of swimming in our mind

Goodbye stress!

The relaxing properties of water mean that through this sport we can reduce our stress and anxiety. By immersing ourselves in the water we are more aware of our breathing. Since we must control it, and that helps us to leave our minds blank for a few minutes and counteract some depressive symptoms.

Improve our mood

Along these lines, a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) ensures that swimming of lifeguard class helps to repair cells from any brain damage at the molecular or behavioral level. Which causes benefits to be produced in neurotransmitters that directly influence our state of mind. Thus, swimming is effective in reducing feelings of sadness by releasing factors in the brain such as endorphins.

Improve our cognitive abilities

According to 2014 research by experts at the University of Perth. Australia, School of Sport Science. Regular swimming simultaneously activates both hemispheres of the brain and all four lobes of the brain. Which can lead to increased cognition and easier learning.

Improves learning in children

Children who start swimming at an early age develop better coordination and visual and motor skills. In this way, swimming is an ideal sport for the little ones. Since it favors physical, intellectual and emotional development in a complete way. In addition, children’s independence is enhanced and their self-esteem is increased.

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