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What are Different Types of Channel Nuts and How to Install Them?

Channel nuts are commonly used with channel support systems. The grooves at the edges can function as small teeth that can lock onto the channel when they are tightened. Channel systems are designed to perform different functions that include supporting containment and pipe brackets for almost all types of mechanical and electrical installations. They are essential parts of ensuring that all the infrastructure stays together. Such benefits show how important channel nuts are in making different types of structures and keeping them together.

Types of Channel Nuts

Channel nuts are manufactured from steel bars because steel features high tensile strength. It can also be combined with other alloys and is resistant to corrosion. Channel nuts are mostly rectangular, and the ends are shaped specifically to allow a quarter turn crosswise in the framing slot. This is done after inserting it through the opening present in the channel to avoid any further rotation of the nut. 

There are two isolated grooves present in the top part of the nut that engages the inverted edges of the channel. After bolting is performed, it will prevent any lengthwise movement of the nut and bolt inside the framing member. 

For different applications, there are different types of nuts available. Such as M6, M8, M12, and M10. The different variations of channel nuts are as follows:


Plain channel nuts are viable with a wide range of Unistrut channels. They by and large recommends that the channel nut has no spring fitted or other connection. Plain channel nuts are produced using strong steel that minimizes expenses and strength/resistance high because of the accessibility/characteristics of the material.

These steel channel nuts are reasonable for use in dry conditions and are completely impervious to most typical ecological elements. HDG channel nuts give you the best erosion protection from additional burdening conditions and a further developed lifespan if you want something with added toughness.

Short Spring Channel Nuts

Short spring channel nuts are appropriate for 41 x 21 channels that can be plain or slotted. You can insert them through the open side of the channel and then rotate at 90 degrees where their grooves slot in. These nuts are manufactured for operating in 21mm deep channels. The spring channel nut can maintain their position, and the plain channel nuts are pre-mounted by some bolt before they are inserted.

Long Spring Channel Nuts

Long spring channel nuts are embedded through the open side of the channel and then, at that point, pivoted through 90º where their toothed notches fit against the channel. They are intended for use in 41mm profound channels.

Long spring nuts are accessible in steel, HDG, or treated steel variations for further developed opposition in additional troublesome conditions.

Hot-dip galvanized gives full coverage of edges, corners, strings, higher covering densities, expanded scraped area opposition, and unique bond strength to battle saline, modern or synthetic effects.

Stainless steel costs more at first, yet it has enduring worth because of its strength. Tempered steel is not difficult to keep up with because it rejects scratches and erosions. And it doesn’t require continuous cleaning, making it extraordinary for those far-off applications like channels.

How To Install

Installing a channel nut can be complicated. For example, in the case of spring channel nut, the spring might get stuck or pop out of the slots. Therefore, it is always important to pair the channel nut with the proper fitting channel support. A plain channel is more suitable for Spring Channel nut as the spring cannot pop out through the space. 

If you want to save time and effort, use channel nut with square washers. They are easy to install and ideal for overhead tasks. You need to pop the channel nut into the channel and then twist it at 90 degrees. They are available for M8 and M10 channel nut, saving you from a lot of expenses and making things convenient for you.

Channel nuts are not difficult to install with adjusted finishes for simple addition into and turning inside the strut. Turning the channel nut 90 degrees into place is straightforward. And the serrated notched edges will assist with keeping it tight against the highest point of the strut, halting undesirable development or rotation. 

After the primary channel nut is embedded, place the fitting and secure set up with a washer and hex fastener. Secure the second length of the channel, and attach similarly.

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