COVID-19 Has Law Firms in Pakistan Reviewing Their Practices

Every year, the Consumer Protection Council publishes an annual consumer rights report that lists the top law firms in pakistan. The 19th edition of this report just came out and it revealed that 50% of lawyers surveyed have made changes. Because of previous editions’ findings, like COVID-19 (the 19th Consumer Protection Council survey). These changes include reducing fees, clarifying payment methods, improving customer service, and more. So which Lahore law firms are at the top this year?
Why Lawyers are Pivoting
Lawyers are pivoting their practices as a result of COVID-19. Lawyers who previously focused on one specialty, such as tax law, are now expanding to other areas to maintain clientele. For example, tax lawyers are moving into personal injury and family law. The way that law firms in pakistan operate is also changing with COVID-19. Some firms have restructured to allow for more efficiency within the company, while others have merged with other firms to streamline.
The pressure is on
Law firms across Lahore are reexamining their practices and procedures, training their employees on how to identify, report, and respond to COVID-19. The need for constant vigilance is understandable. COVID-19 has already been implicated in several crimes from all over the world. From New York City to Berlin, crime rates have been increasing steadily since the outbreak of the virus. There are multiple theories about how it came about and why it’s spreading so quickly. But so far no one knows for sure what caused this tragic event. That hasn’t stopped people from speculating on social media or from reporting anything suspicious they see or hear to law enforcement.
The email that prompted the change
This is a reminder that COVID-19 requires firms to review their practices. In the event of an outbreak, we want to be able to react quickly and minimize client exposure. The COVID-19 Working Group has put together a checklist of items that should be reviewed before the next outbreak. I would encourage you all to review your firm’s policies and procedures. This checklist and then let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will also send out periodic reminders about this requirement in case anyone forgets! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season and we’ll talk soon!
One law firm’s pivot
A law firm in pakistan has had to pivot its practice since COVID-19 came into effect. The lawyers at this firm used to represent clients accused of terrorism and others, but now they’re not able to do so. They have had to change their focus on these cases and are now working on several other cases. Such as civil litigation, labor disputes, and family law. One of the partners said that before COVID-19 no one did criminal defense work in Lahore because it was seen as too risky. Now the firm is trying to make up for the lack of representation with more general legal assistance.
Another law firm’s pivot
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on law firms around the world, and those in Lahore are no exception. With 50% of the lawyers in Lahore reviewing their firm since COVID-19, the need for a sound plan is more important. Our experts at Burhan Law have outlined four steps that can help your firm stay prepared and prevent costly mistakes. First, always be transparent with employees about what may happen and keep them informed about changes to the company. Second, provide resources to employees who are pregnant or caring for an infant under six months old. So, they can return to work as soon as possible if they choose to do so. Third, consider setting up alternative care arrangements for children under six months old by working with local childcare providers. Or other family members who are willing to help out. And finally, take some time off from work before it’s too late—you’ll be glad you did!