Floor Lamps for Every Room in Your House

Floor lamps can be one of the best ways to Spotlights or highlight specific spaces or objects in your home, whether it’s by lighting up your reading space at night, or bringing attention to your favorite art piece that hangs on the wall. The floor lamp can serve as an attractive, convenient way to provide ample lighting throughout your home without the need for bulky overhead fixtures and cords.
The Living Room
People who are looking to add some extra light to a room with high ceilings may find that using a floor lamp provides much-needed illumination. A ceiling fixture is usually enough for most rooms, but if you have high ceilings, adding another source of light will make your space seem brighter and more inviting. The added height can also help add height to otherwise diminutive furniture. These lamps aren’t just good for lighting either. Decorative styles come in all shapes and sizes, from oblong or rectangular to round or even tapered or funky designs. You can also choose different finishes like lacquered wood or metal accents with marble bases. These types of lamps complement modern decor better than traditional models do but are still appropriate anywhere else in your home as well.
The Office
Whether you’re a writer who gets stuck inside on rainy days, or an accountant trying to beat last year’s tax deadline, a work-specific floor lamp can make your life that much easier. The lighting quality of a workplace floor lamp can do everything from illuminating your computer screen to encouraging better posture when typing on your keyboard. If you need to stay indoors during certain times of day or prefer not to disturb others with overhead lighting, consider purchasing a skyddskåpa spotlight as well as a lamp with adjustable brightness.
The Bedroom
For bedrooms, opt for a floor lamp with a protective cover that prevents a child from being burned by an uncovered bulb. Spotlight shower lamps have three heads of light, which is ideal to create layers of lighting throughout any space.
The Dining Room
Many families use their dining room as a casual living area, which can make keeping it clean a challenge. Luckily, there’s a floor lamp style that’s perfect for tackling all kinds of messes. The protective cover spotlight floor lamp uses a light source placed under glass and topped by an open-ended curved piece of hard plastic that acts as a protective shower. When you pull off the shower, it reveals interior bulbs, allowing you to shine light on all kinds of surfaces—even those covered in dust and dirt. A great choice for both decoration and function, look into these models to add some extra lighting to any messy space.
The Kitchen
Standing lamps work well as accent pieces when paired with a more traditional table lamp. If you opt to go with a floor lamp in your kitchen. Consider one with an adjustable neck to direct light exactly where you need it. For instance, if your kitchen island houses a stovetop.
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