Kotlin Programming Language and Its Role in Android App Development

Kotlin became a buzzword soon after Google announced Kotlin to be the primary language for Android app development. The language is thought to have great potential to serve app development companies in offering custom Android app development services.
Kotlin is said to be the future of Android application development. The language is based on the Java Virtual Machine. Though its code somewhat resembles Java, Kotlin has effectively eliminated the rhetoric of the former language. As a result, Kotlin gives developers’ communities high hopes of creating digital solutions effectively and efficiently.
Kotlin Use case and applications
Start-ups worldwide have adopted Kotlin as their secondary means of Android app development, thanks to Kotlin’s ease of use and compatibility with Java. This means they don’t have to start programming from scratch, and the code can easily be mixed with Java. However, besides Android programming, Kotlin can also be used to build desktop apps.
Furthermore, JetBrains – developers of the Kotlin programming language – has built various development tools that assist developers in translating Kotlin code into iOS-friendly code. This means apps created with Kotlin can also efficiently work with the iOS platform. Many firms have identified the benefits of Kotlin and incorporated this emerging technology into their apps. Here are some benefits you can acquire if you choose Kotlin app development for your business.
Pros of Koltin
Compatible with Java
One of the significant advantages that allow Android developers to easily incorporate Kotlin code into their app is Kotlin’s excellent compatibility with Java. As a result, both these languages can be interoperated. Furthermore, Kotlin is entirely compatible with all Java tools and frameworks, making migrating from the former language to this new one easier. Moreover, the holistic development environment that Java and Kotlin promise together opens new possibilities for effective Android app development.
Automatic Java to Kotlin conversion
JetBrains has also built a robust Java-Kotlin converter and integrated it into the IntelliJ environment. This converter provides brilliant help during migration. As a result, developers don’t have to type Kotlin code from scratch, saving time and allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.
Eliminated some Java flaws
Java is notorious for its boilerplate code and verbosity. Kotlin has effectively eliminated this boilerplate code, significantly reducing the chance of errors. In addition, Kotlin houses advanced features like delegations and late initialisation and deals with Null Pointer Exceptions. Moreover, it also addresses type safety in lists – a significant issue in java language.
Increases productivity
JetBrains’ primary goal for building Kotlin was to have an alternative to Java with less verbosity. As a result, Kotlin code is clear and concise. And this means programmers no longer have to deal with hundreds of lines of code to create a simple feature. So, Kotlin’s intuitive and compact coding syntax saves developers time and increases their productivity.
Safer and more reliable apps
Compared to Java, Kotlin codebase is much more compact, concise, and easy to understand. Such coding syntax leaves less room for error and stable code. Moreover, the compiler detects errors at compile time rather than run time. And this makes the final app much safer and more reliable.
Cons of Kotlin
Training cost involved
Despite Kotlin’s many similarities with Java, developers still have to learn Kotlin. They can’t just get started with it without understanding a few language-specific conventions. This needs the investment of time, effort, and cost of training developers if you are hiring an in-house professional.
Slower compilation speed
Many developers have experienced the slow compilation speed of Kotlin. Therefore, compilation speed is one of the crucial factors when choosing mobile app development technologies. If your application requires a speedy compilation process, Kotlin should not be your option, no matter how convenient this language seems.
Limited resources for learning and support
Kotlin is a relatively newer language in the market than Java. So it is apparent that there will be fewer resources for learning. In addition, since everyone is in the infancy period of Kotlin, you might have difficulty finding the support and learning material for Kotlin.
Scarcity of experienced developers
Since Kotlin is a new language, there is a shortage of seasoned Kotlin developers in the Android app development community. So, only a few are entirely compatible with the capabilities and functionalities of this language. In addition, a popular online job portal has also revealed that Kotlin-related job postings only surged after Google’s announcement at the I/O conference.
Kotlin is a powerful programming language that has the potential to offer complete custom Android app development services. Though the language is relatively new, it has gained momentum quickly. By choosing Koltin app development, app builders can leverage the varied benefits of the language. Though it has some cons, too, they are easily avoidable and do not really dim Kotlin’s superb usability. So, choosing Koltin for your next app development venture would be the best idea.