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 How to Join Indian Navy & Full Information

How to Join the Navy – If you also want to serve the country by joining the Indian Navy and want to know everything about the Indian Navy, then you will get complete information about the Navy in this post.  DoonIAs Academy 


What is the Indian Navy?

Three types of armies have been formed to protect our country,

Indian Army,

Indian Air Force,

Indian Navy

Because this post is about the Indian Navy i.e. Indian Navy, so we will talk only about the Navy, how to join the Navy?

The Indian Navy is the fifth largest navy in the world, which protects the country from the enemies coming from the waterways and also gives a befitting reply to the enemies so that no enemy dares to look towards our country again.

It is a matter of great honour to do a job in the Navy, many young people dream of going to the Indian Navy and many of them get jobs in the Indian Navy on the strength of their hard work and dedication.


Qualification for Indian Navy:

If you want to join the Navy then there are many ways for it. You can join the navy even after 10th or you can go after 12th and graduation also.

If you want to go to the Indian Navy after 10th then you can go through MR & NMR, if your 10th marks are a little less then B you can go to Indian Navy from MR & NMR.

If you want to go to the Navy after 12th then you can become a part of the Indian Navy through SSR, in this also you will not have any problem due to low marks.


How to Join the Navy – But friends, if you want to reduce to the post of an officer in the Indian Navy, then you have to take selection in the Indian Navy through NDA.

NDA(National Defence Academy) is the best way to become a part of the Indian Army.

If you want to go to the navy through NDA then it is necessary that you have science stream in class 11th & 12th and should have at least 70% marks in Physics (Physics) and Chemistry (Chemistry) and also English I should also have 50% marks.


Physical Requirements:

  • To join the Navy, the minimum height of men should be 157 cm while the minimum height of women should be 152 cm.
  • To join the Navy, the age of men should be between 16.5 to 19.5 years.
  • If we talk about chest measurement, then it is only for men.
  • If a student has colour blindness then he cannot go to the Navy.
  • You shouldn’t have any bone problems.
  • To join the Indian Navy, it is necessary that you are mentally and physically completely healthy.


What is the salary in the Navy?

  • Friends, there are many types of posts in the Navy and the salary is also more or less according to the post, yet we will tell you an estimate so that you can get an estimate.
  • If you join the Indian Navy after 10th then the monthly salary you will get can be around 12000-15000.
  • If you join the Indian Navy after 12th, then the salary you will get can be around 18000-25000.
  • The same if you join the Navy through NDA and become an officer in the Navy, then your monthly salary can be around 50,000-75000.


Conclusion –

My dear friends, we have learned in this article how to join the Navy, it is a matter of great pride to serve the country by going to the Navy, and all the BEST to all of you from my side.

In this post I told you how you can join, I hope you have liked this post. If you liked this post, then please tell by commenting and if you want to ask something, then ask that too.

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